Privacy and Security

At Houzzie, we are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of our customers' personal information. This Privacy and Security page outlines the measures we take to protect your data and how we handle it.

Collection and Use of Personal Information:

We may collect personal information such as names, addresses, email addresses, and payment details solely for the purpose of order processing. Rest assured, we do not share or disclose any customer information with third parties.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

Our website uses cookies, including functional, performance, advertising, and social media or content cookies. These cookies enhance your browsing experience by remembering your actions and preferences. By using our website, you consent to the use of these cookies.

Security Measures:

We prioritize the security of your personal information. We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. This includes encryption, secure payment gateways, and firewalls to safeguard your data.

Compliance with Privacy Laws:

We comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We handle customer consent for collecting and processing personal information in accordance with these laws.